How to Sound Like a Hero in an Interview

By | Interview Co-Pilot | No Comments

When you’re talking about yourself in an interview, the way you answer certain questions can mean the difference between getting the job and not getting the job.

Be prepared with your answers. Recruiters love to ask behavioral questions (a time when you…) so make sure you have a few good anecdotes to fall back on.

Don’t be shy! When you’re telling a story about yourself, make sure you mention the parts that make yourself look good. After all, you want to give the recruiter a good impression.

Image via Flickr/Anders Ruff Custom Designs

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What Not to Say During a Presentation

By | Management Co-Pilot | No Comments

There are a few phrases that presenters often say when they get up to the podium or the front of the board room, but they should probably keep those words to themselves.

Comments about the projector not working appear unprofessional and show a lack of preparation.

Also, starting by saying how nervous you are may seem like a good idea, because you’re being honest, but in actuality in turns your audience off. Be confident when you speak and people will be more likely to pay attention.

Image via Flickr/Christian Pierret

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How to Be the Most Likable Person in a Room

By | Interview Co-Pilot | No Comments

Some people just naturally have charisma. But while being irresistible may seem like magic, you can learn some of their secrets to become just as likable.

Learn to read people. Instead of treating everyone the way you’d like to be treated, pay attention and discern what each individual needs and how they want to specifically be treated by you.

Avoid small talk. Stop talking about things like the weather or traffic and turn the conversation into something more interesting and meaningful.

Image via Flickr/David Goerhing

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Why You Shouldn’t Follow Your Passion

By | Interview Co-Pilot | No Comments

It’s easy for people to give the advice to follow your passion. But sometimes following your passion isn’t what’s best for your career and for yourself.

Your passion is difficult to define. You may enjoy multiple things equally. Instead, you should focus on what you’re good at.

Your passion may change. You don’t always love the same things for your entire life. Even if you love a job now, you might feel differently in five years.

Image via Flickr/Alan Levine

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