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Why You Keeping Getting Interviews But No Offers

By | Interview Co-Pilot | No Comments

When you’ve been rejected over and over again, it can hurt. But what are you doing wrong? Understanding what the problem is will put you closer to nailing that interview and landing the job.

If you’re not making it past the final round, chances are it’s because you’re not showing that you understand the position, the company and the team. Make sure you do your research and show off what you know in the interview.

If you’re only getting phone interview, that probably means you’re not delivering your stories well. You’ve got the experience and skills but you don’t know how to stand out and show what you’re worth. Practice to ensure you make it further than the phone.

Image via Flickr/Just Joe

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How to Introduce New Technology to Your Employees

By | Management Co-Pilot | No Comments

If your company is behind the times with new technology, it may be time to get them up to speed. But working with co-workers who are set in their ways presents a challenge. How do you introduce them to the new technology without scaring them?

Start small and tackle one issue at a time. Try introducing just one new thing at a time, such as sharing the minutes from a meeting online instead of printing them.

Research all the options to solve your issue. Make sure your solution is something that works for everyone, not just for you.

Image via Flickr/xlibber

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How to Balance Online Classes and Work

By | Online Education Co-Pilot | No Comments

Managing your time for an online class can be difficult. But add in a full-time job and it becomes even harder.

With so little free time, you’ll need to schedule studying anywhere you can. This might mean on the train or bus, on your lunch or in bed before you go to sleep.

Don’t compromise your job for a class. If you find yourself tempted to study at work, fight it. Try and focus on your job at work and your class when you’re not in the office.

Image via Flickr/CollegeDegrees360

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What Not to Say in Your Cover Letter

By | Resume Co-Pilot | No Comments

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut with your cover letter. Instead of creating a form letter that looks like everyone else’s, write something that will stand out.

Stop starting your letter with “I am applying for…” If you’re applying through an online system, the company already know what position you’re applying for.

Avoid cliches like “I’m a fast learner” and “I think outside the box.” Show your creativity by writing something more interesting.

Image via Flickr/Daniel Borman

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The Secrets to Negotiating Your Salary

By | Interview Co-Pilot | No Comments

You’ll almost always get asked what your salary requirements are in an interview. But how do you answer the question to get the amount of money that you want?

Understand what you are worth. Research online to find out what other people with similar backgrounds, skills and experience are making.

When people tell you “no,” look for ways to problem-solve. Try to help out the recruiter or hiring manager by offering ways or reasons they could compensate you more.

Image via Flickr/(401K) 2012

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How to Deal With an Annoying Co-worker

By | Management Co-Pilot | No Comments

There’s one in every office. We’ve all dealt with an annoying co-worker in the past. But how do you interact with them without leaving a bad impression?

If you’re dealing with a loud and obnoxious co-worker, one thing to do is drown out the noise with some music. Put your headphones in, listen to something soothing, and you won’t be bothered any longer.

The important thing to do is to look on the bright side. It’s easy to get annoying, but sometimes you should take a step back and think about the annoying habits you have. We all have them.

Image via Flickr/oddharmonic

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Words to Remove From Your Resume

By | Resume Co-Pilot | No Comments

Resumes are an extremely important part of the job search process. It’s your first impression to the employer so you want to make sure it’s the best it can possibly be.

Don’t risk getting put in the “no” pile. Take these words out of your resume to increase your chances of getting hired:

  • utilized
  • assisted
  • responsible for
  • worked
  • words that end in -ly
  • objective

Image via Flickr/Nina J. G.

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How to Catch Up in an Online Class

By | Online Education Co-Pilot | No Comments

In an online course, managing your time is of the utmost importance. But sometimes it can be easy to fall behind on your work.

To get back on track, first contact the instructor to let them know of the situation. The instructor is the one who controls the grades and they can help you get back to where you need to be.

You can also reach out to other students in the class. Group discussion is a valuable tool in determining where you fall among others.

Image via Flickr/Helga Weber

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How to Be a Leader Before You Have Followers

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The time to develop your leadership skills is now. With many companies placing up-and-coming leaders on the fast track to high positions, you want to make you’re doing everything you can to position yourself as a leader now.

Start by always delivering a superior performance. Don’t just meet expectations; exceed them.

Understand how others perceive you. You want to make sure you are someone who can inspire others, so that they will follow you.

Image via Flickr/Bart Everson

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Get Hired With a Killer Resume

By | Resume Co-Pilot | No Comments

Deciding what to include and what not to include can be a difficult choice when you’re putting together your resume. First of all, you don’t want to list everything you’ve ever done. Highlight the accomplishments and skills relevant to the job you want.

Be sure to keep all your other information on file, though. Just cause you won’t include it now doesn’t mean you won’t include it later.

When typing everything out, make sure you have your important information above the fold. You want the good stuff to be seen first.

Image via Flickr/Flazingo Photos

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